Reporting function explained

This page is a “code walkthrough” through the function report(). It shows more technical details than the Tutorial or Workflow pages, to facilitate writing one’s own analysis scripts that directly retrieve variables from the optimisation:


So let’s start by first printing the function as a whole:

After the function header and the docstring briefly explaining its use, another function, get_constants(), is called. Before really diving into the report function, first one of the two Retrieve results functions is presented.

Get constants

Taking only one argument, this function retrieves all time-independent quantities from the given optimisation problem object and returns them as a tuple() of DataFrame. The low-level access functions get_entity() and get_entities() are beyond the scope of this walk through. They both yield “raw” DataFrame objects with only minor pre-processing of index names.

The second paragraph deals with the emission timeseries co2 by calculating its sum over time. The unstack() method allows to move the time dimension (index level 0 or the first) into the column direction. To sum over time, method sum() is called with its axis argument set to columns (1). This yields a DataFrame indexed over the tuple (site, process, input commodity, output commodity) and the summed emissions as value.

Get timeseries

With the arguments instance, com and sit the function :func: get_timeseries returns DataFrames of all timeseries that are referring to the given commodity and site. This includes the derivative for created and consumed, which is calculated and standardized by the power capacity at the end of the function.

Write to Excel

The ExcelWriter class creates a writer object, which is then used by the to_excel() method calls to aggregate all outputs into a single spreadsheet.


to_excel() can also be called with a filename. However, this overwrites an existing file completely, thus deleting existing sheets. For quickly saving a DataFrame, to a spreadsheet, a simple df.to_excel('df.xlsx', 'df') is sufficient.


As written already, the individual DataFrame objects are written to individual sheets within the same spreadsheet file by using the writer object as a target. co2 is an exception, as it starts as a Series. It must be first converted to a DataFrame by calling to_frame().


Initialize an empty list() and an empty dict() for collecting the timeseries data. These are two builtin Python data structures. energies will become a list of DataFrame objects before getting stitched together, while timeseries becomes a dictionary of DataFrame objects, with a tuple (commodity, site) as key.

Module function get_timeseries() is similar to get_constants(), just for time-dependent quantities. For a given commodity and site, this function returns all DataFrames needed to create a balance plot.

Only overproduction is calculated in place. While it should not happen for scenarios close to today’s situation, future scenarios with much excess renewable infeed, overproduction could happen for significant duration and amount.

Using the function pandas.concat(), multiple DataFrames are glued together next to each other (axis=1), while creating a nested column index wih custom labels (keys=...) for each of the list argument ([...]). The resulting timeseries tableau is copied to the corresponding place in the timeseries dictionary.

For the Energy sums sheet, all timeseries DataFrames are summed along the time axis, resulting in a Series for each timeseries. These are then glued together on top of each other (axis=0) with a nested row index with custom labels (keys=...) for each series type. Finally the Series is converted back to a DataFrame, using Commodity.Site as the column title template.

Finally, the Energy sums table is assembled by stitching together the individual energy sums per commodity and site and filling missing values with fillna().

Finally, the timeseries tables are saved without change to individual sheets.