Business park example explained

In this part the input files of the standard example Business park will be explained in detail.


The task we set ourselves here is to build our own intertemporal model. The task is the following:

The technical staff of a business park management company wants you to find the cost optimal energy system for their business park. You are to provide this with increasingly stricter CO2 emission limits over time. As the company expects to operate this business park for a long time still, they want you to help developing a long term strategy how to transform the energy supply infrastructure of the business park in cost optimal way over the time frame of 3 decades. The company also expects that the business park will be increasingly closely interacting with the neighboring small city and its energy system. All current and expected demand curves are given to you. You also have full access to regional climate models and all relevant parameters for the energy conversion units relevant for your problem.

Input files

The task set is intertemporal. That is we need to provide several .xlsx input files, one for each modeled year. Here we chose to use 3 files representing modeled years 10 years apart. For the given task this seems to be a good compromise between accuracy and computational effort. The files are named 2020.xlsx, 2030.xlsx and 2040.xlsx and sit in the folder Input (Business park). We will now proceed with a detailed walkthrough of the individual files.

Sheet Global

Here you can now specify the global properties needed for the modeling of the energy system. Note that this sheet has different entries for the different input files:

  • Support timeframe (All files): Give the value for the modeled year here.
  • Discount rate (Only first file): This value gives the discount rate that is used for intertemporal planning. It stands for the annual devaluation of money across the modeling horizon. In the example a discount rate of 3 % is used.
  • CO2 limit (All files ): This parameter limits the CO2 emissions across all sites within one modeled year, the CO2 budget sets a cap on the total emissions across all sites in the entire modeling horizon. If no restriction is desired enter ‘inf’ here. In the example increasingly strict values for the CO2 limit are used for the different modeled years, from 60 kt/a in 2020 over 45 kt/a in 2030 to 30 kt/a in 2040. This represents the will of the company to achieve milestones in the emission reductions while gradually changing their energy infrastructure.
  • CO2 budget (Only first file): While the CO2 limit specified for each year limits the CO2 emissions across all sites within one modeled year, the CO2 budget sets a cap on the total emissions across all sites in the entire modeling horizon. If no restriction is desired enter ‘inf’ here. The CO2 budget is only active when the Objective is set to its default value ‘cost’. In the example a CO2 budget of 1.2 Mt is used. This budget imposes a stricter limit on the emissions than the combined targets for the individual modeled year. In terms of climate impact his limit is the more important one. For all CO2 limitations the business park and the city are considered together since in the assumed case the company running the business park wants to act as an electricity provider for the city as well.
  • Cost budget (Only first file): With this parameter a limit on the total system cost over the entire modeling horizon can be set. If no restriction is desired enter ‘inf’ here. The Cost budget is only active when the Objective is set to the value ‘CO2’. In the example no CO2 optimization is considered this parameter is thus set to infinity.
  • Last year weight (Only last file): In intertemporal modeling each modeled year is repeated until the next modeled year is reached. This is done ba assigning a weight to the costs accrued in each of the modeled years. For the last modeled year the number of repetitions has to be set by the user here, where a high number leads to a stronger weighting of the last modeled year, i.e. of the final energy system configuration. In the example the last year has a weight of 10 years. This means that it will be equally weighted identically to the others which always represent all years until the ext modeled year.

Sheet Site

In this sheet you can specify the site names and also the area of each site. The line index represents all the sites. The only site specific property to be set is then:

  • Area: Specifies the usable area for processes in the given site. The area does not need to be the total floor area. It is used to limit the use of area consuming processes and can be seen as, e.g., the roof area for solar technologies.

    In the example two sites ‘Business park’ and ‘City’ are given. These and their respective areas do not change. The areas here represent roof areas for PV and the city has more of this.

Sheet Commodity

In this sheet all the commodities, i.e. energy or material carriers, are specified. The line index completes a commodity tuple, i.e. a connection (year, site, commodity, type). There are three properties to be specified for all commodities of types Stock, Buy, Sell and Environmental.

  • Price denotes the cost of taking one unit of energy from the stock for Stock commodities or emitting one unit of Environmental. For Buy and Sell commodities this is not directly a price but a multiplier for the time series given in the sheet ‘Buy-Sell-Price’. It is thus typically set to 1 for these commodity types.
  • max limits the total amount of the commodity that may be bought, sold or emitted per year.
  • maxperhaour limits the total amount of the commodity that may be bought, sold or emitted per hour (not timestep but really hour).

In the site ‘Business park’ there are 9 commodities defined:

  • Solar (West/East) is of type SupIm and represents the capacity factor timeseries of solar panels mounted with a given inclination (10° both West and East).
  • Grid electricity is of type Buy and represents the electricity price as bought from the regional grid operator. The business park pays constant price over the year. In the site ‘City’ this price is different and hence a multiplier is used to increase the wholesale price for households.
  • Gas is of type Stock and represents the price for the purchase of natural gas from the local provider.
  • Electricity, Heat and Cooling are of type Demand and represent the hourly demand for these three energy carriers.
  • Intermediate is of type Stock. However, it is not possible to buy this commodity from the stock. It is introduced to allow for a flexible operation of a combined heat and power (CHP) plant according to section Modeling nuggets.
  • Intermediate low temperature is of type Stock. It is also not buyable from an external source. Its purpose is to make the operation of the cooling processes more realistic by preventing the storage of high temperature cooling from ambient air cooling in cold storages.

In site ‘City’ one additional commodity, Operation decentral units is introduced. It is of type SupIm and makes sure that the different heating technologies usable in the site all operate at a fixed share of the total heat demand. This is necessary, since these technologies are build up in a decentral way in the individual houses. The idea behind this is laid out in section Modeling nuggets.

Sheet Process

In this sheet the energy conversion technologies are described. Here only the economical and some general technical parameters are set. The interactions with the commodities are introduced in the next sheet. The following parameters are set here for the processes:

  • Installed capacity (MW) (Only first file) gives the capacity of the process that is already istalled at the start of the modeling horizon.
  • Lifetime of installed capacity (years) (Only first file) gives the rest lifetime of the installed processes in years. A process can be used in a modeled year y still if the lifetime plus the first modeled year exceeds the next year y+1.
  • Minimum capacity (MW) denotes a capacity target that has to be met by the process in a given modeled year. This means that the system will build at least this capacity.
  • Maximum capacity (MW) restricts the capacity that can be built to the specified value.
  • Maximum power gradient (1/h) restricts the ramping of process operational states, i.e. the change in the throughput variable. The value gives the fraction of the total capacity that can be changed in one hour. A value of 1 thus restricts the change from idle to full operational state (or vice versa) to at least a duration of one hour.
  • Minimum load fraction gives a lower limit for the operational state of a process as a fraction of the total capacity. It is only relevant for processes where part-load behavior is modeled. A value here is only active when ‘Ratio-Min’ is numerical for at least one input commodity.
  • Investment cost (€/MW) denotes the capacity specific investment costs for the process. You should give the book value here. The program will then translate this into the correct total, discounted cost within the model horizon.
  • Annual fix costs (€/MW) represent the amount of money that has to be spent annually for the operation of a process capacity. They can represent, e.g., labour costs or calendaric ageing costs.
  • Variable costs (€/MWh) are linked to the operation of a process and are to be paid for each unit of throughput through the process. They can represent anything from usage ageing to taxes.
  • Weighted average cost of capital denotes the interest rate or expected return on investment with which the investor responsible for the energy system calculates.
  • Depreciation period denotes both the economical and technical lifetime of all units in the system. It thus determines two things: the total costs of a given investment and the end of operational time for all units in the energy system modeled.
  • Area use per capcacity (m^2/MW) specifies the physical area a given process takes up at the site it is built. This can be used, e.g. to restrict the capacity of solar technologies by a total maximal roof area. The restricting area is defined in sheet ‘Site’.

While the details of the processes will be discussed in more detail in the next section one mention on the processes ‘Load dump’ and ‘Slack’ is made here. These processes are not introduced to represent real units but help making operation more realistic and error fixing more easy. A load dump process just destroys energy which is sometimes necessary in order to prevent the system from doing unrealistic gymnastics to keep the vertex rule. A ‘Slack’ process can create a demand commodity out of thin air for an extremely high price. It thus indicates when the problem is not feasible, making error fixing much easier. Both should typically be included in models.

Sheet Process-Commodity

In this sheet the technical properties of processes are set. These properties are given for each process independent of the site where the process is located. You need to make an imput for all the processes defined in the ‘Process’ sheet. The line index is a tuple (process, commodity, direction), where ‘Direction’ has to be set as either ‘In’ or ‘Out’ and specifies wether a commodity is an in- or an output of a given process. Under the column ‘ratio’ you then have to specify the commodity in- or outflows per installed capacity and time step at the point of full operation. The efficiency of the process for the conversion of one input into one output commodity is then given by the ratio of the chosen values. For example, in the modeled year 2020 the process ‘Gas engine power plant’ converts 2.2 MWh of ‘Gas’ into one MWh each of ‘Electricity’ and ‘Heat’ while emitting 0.2 t of ‘CO2’. This corresponds to an efficiency of 0.45 for ‘Heat’ and ‘Electricity’ conversion.

If a process has a more complex part load behavior, where, e.g., the efficiency changes this can be partly captured by setting values in the ‘ratio-min’ column. These specify the commodity flows at the minimum operation point specified in the ‘Process’ sheet under ‘min-fract’. The process will then no longer be allowed to turn off so use this carefully. In the present case this behavior is set for the combined heat and power plant ‘CHP (Operational state)’ only.

There are a few special settings made in the example. First, the CHP plant is divided into three parts. The idea behind this is described in Modeling nuggets. The two processes ‘CHP (Electricity driven)’ and ‘CHP (Heat driven)’ specify the commodity flows in the two extreme operational states. The system can then chose all linear interpolations between both states by guiding the commodity flow of ‘Intermediate’ through the two processes in the desired ratio. Second, the cooling technologies are implemented in a two stage way. The reason for this is that the process ‘Ambient air cooling’ is extremely efficient and extremely cheap. While it can only be used in certain time intervals (see explanation of ‘TimeVarEff’ further below), its output could nevertheless be stored otherwise which is not realistic. The introduction of commodity ‘Intermediate low temperature’ prevents this. It is the output of all the cooling technologies except for ‘Ambient air cooling’ and is also the one that can be stored (see below).

Sheet Transmission

In this sheet the parameters for transmission lines between sites are specified. The line index is part of a transmission tuple (Site In, Site Out, Transmission, Commodity). Note that for each transmission the inverse one with the same properties should also be given. The parameters are the following:

  • Efficiency (1) specifies the transport efficiency of the transmission line.
  • Lifetime of installed capacity (years) (Only first file) gives the rest lifetime of the installed transmission lines in years. A transmission line can be used in a modeled year y still if the lifetime plus the first modeled year exceeds the next year y+1.
  • Investment cost (€/MW) denotes the capacity specific investment costs for the transmission line. You should give the book value here. The program will then translate this into the correct total, discounted cost within the model horizon.
  • Annual fix costs (€/MW) represent the amount of money that has to be spent annually for the operation of a transmission capacity. They can represent, e.g., labour costs or calendaric ageing costs.
  • Variable costs (€/MWh) are linked to the operation of a given transmission line.
  • Installed capacity (MW) (Only first file) gives the transmission capacity of transmission lines already installed at the start of the modeling horizon.
  • Minimum capacity (MW) denotes a transmission capacity target that has to be met by the transmission lines in a given modeled year. This means that the system will build at least this transmission capacity.
  • Maximum capacity (MW) restricts the transmission capacity that can be built to the specified value.
  • Weighted average cost of capital denotes the interest rate or expected return on investment with which the investor responsible for the energy system calculates.
  • Depreciation period denotes both the economical and technical lifetime of all units in the system. It thus determines two things: the total costs of a given investment and the end of operational time for all units in the energy system modeled.

In the example the only commodity that can be transported from one site to the other is electricity.

Sheet Storage

In this sheet the parameters for storage units are specified. Each storage unit is indexed with parts of a storage tuple (storage, commodity). In storages charging/discharging power and the capacity are sized independently. The parameters specifying the storage properties are the following:

  • Installed capacity (MWh) (Only first file) gives the storage capacity of storages already installed at the start of the modeling horizon.
  • Installed storage power (MW) (Only first file) gives the charging/discharging power of storages already installed at the start of the modeling horizon.
  • Lifetime of installed capacity (years) (Only first file) gives the rest lifetime of the installed storages in years. A storage can be used in a modeled year y still if the lifetime plus the first modeled year exceeds the next year y+1.
  • Minimum storage capacity (MWh) denotes a storage capacity target that has to be met by the storage in a given modeled year. This means that the system will build at least this capacity.
  • Maximum storage capacity (MWh) restricts the storage capacity that can be built to the specified value.
  • Minimum storage power (MW) denotes a storage charging/discharging power target that has to be met by the storage in a given modeled year. This means that the system will build at least this power.
  • Maximum storage power (MW) restricts the storage charging/discharging that can be built to the specified value.
  • Efficiency input (1) specifies the charging efficiency of the storage.
  • Efficiency output (1) specifies the discharging efficiency of the storage.
  • Investment cost capacity (€/MWh) denotes the storage capacity specific investment costs for the storage. You should give the book value here. The program will then translate this into the correct total, discounted cost within the model horizon.
  • Investment cost power (€/MW) denotes the storage charging/discharging power specific investment costs for the storage. You should give the book value here. The program will then translate this into the correct total, discounted cost within the model horizon.
  • Annual fix costs capacity (€/MWh) represent the amount of money that has to be spent annually for the operation of a storage capacity. They can represent, e.g., labour costs or calendaric ageing costs.
  • Annual fix costs power (€/MW) represent the amount of money that has to be spent annually for the operation of a storage power. They can represent, e.g., labour costs or calendaric ageing costs.
  • Variable costs capacity (€/MWh) are linked to the operation of a given storage state, i.e. they lead to costs whenever a storage has a non-zero state of charge. These costs should typically set to zero but can be used to manipulate the storage duration or model state-of-charge dependent ageing.
  • Variable costs power (€/MWh) are linked to the charging and discharging of a storage. Each unit of commodity leaving the storage requires the payment of these costs.
  • Weighted average cost of capital denotes the interest rate or expected return on investment with which the investor responsible for the energy system calculates.
  • Depreciation period denotes both the economical and technical lifetime of all units in the system. It thus determines two things: the total costs of a given investment and the end of operational time for all units in the energy system modeled.
  • Initial storage state can be used to set the state of charge of a storages in the beginning of the modeling time steps. If nan is given this value is an optimization variable. In any case the storage content in the end is the same as in the beginning to avoid windfall profits from simply discharging a storage.
  • Discharge gives the hourly discharge of a storage. Over time, when no charging or discharging occurs, the storage content will decrease exponentially.

In the example there are no storages in site ‘City’ and there is a storage for each demand in site ‘Business park’. The commodity ‘Cooling’ is not directly storable to avoid an unrealistic behavior for the process ‘Ambient air cooling’ as was discussed above in the ‘Process-Commodity’ section.

Sheets Demand, SupIm, Buy/Sell price

In these sheets the time series for all the demands, capacity factors of processes using commodities of type ‘SupIm’ and market prices for ‘Buy’ and ‘Sell’ commodities are to be specified. For the former two the syntax ‘site.commodity’ has to be used as a column index to specify the corresponding tuple.

Sheet TimeVarEff

In this sheet a time series for the output of processes can be given. This is always useful, when processes are somehow dependent on external parameters. The syntax to be used to specify which process is to be addressed by this is ‘site.process’. In the present example, this is used for the process ‘Ambient air cooling’ which has a boolean ‘TimeVarEff’ curve giving the value ‘1’ for temperatures below a threshold and ‘0’ else.

This concludes the input generation. Of course all parameters have to be set in all the input sheets.

Run script

To run the example you can make a copy of the file calling it, e.g., in the same folder. You now just have to make 3 modifications. First, replace the report tuples by:

report_tuples = [
    (2020, 'Business park', 'Electricity'),
    (2020, 'Business park', 'Heat'),
    (2020, 'Business park', 'Cooling'),
    (2020, 'Business park', 'Intermediate low temperature'),
    (2020, 'Business park', 'CO2'),
    (2030, 'Business park', 'Electricity'),
    (2030, 'Business park', 'Heat'),
    (2030, 'Business park', 'Cooling'),
    (2030, 'Business park', 'Intermediate low temperature'),
    (2030, 'Business park', 'CO2'),
    (2040, 'Business park', 'Electricity'),
    (2040, 'Business park', 'Heat'),
    (2040, 'Business park', 'Cooling'),
    (2040, 'Business park', 'Intermediate low temperature'),
    (2040, 'Business park', 'CO2'),
    (2020, 'City', 'Electricity'),
    (2020, 'City', 'Heat'),
    (2020, 'City', 'CO2'),
    (2030, 'City', 'Electricity'),
    (2030, 'City', 'Heat'),
    (2030, 'City', 'CO2'),
    (2040, 'City', 'Electricity'),
    (2040, 'City', 'Heat'),
    (2040, 'City', 'CO2'),
    (2020, ['Business park', 'City'], 'Electricity'),
    (2020, ['Business park', 'City'], 'Heat'),
    (2020, ['Business park', 'City'], 'CO2'),
    (2030, ['Business park', 'City'], 'Electricity'),
    (2030, ['Business park', 'City'], 'Heat'),
    (2030, ['Business park', 'City'], 'CO2'),
    (2040, ['Business park', 'City'], 'Electricity'),
    (2040, ['Business park', 'City'], 'Heat')
    (2040, ['Business park', 'City'], 'CO2'),

# optional: define names for sites in report_tuples
report_sites_name = {('Business park', 'City'): 'Together'}

and the plot tuples by:

plot_tuples = [
    (2020, 'Business park', 'Electricity'),
    (2020, 'Business park', 'Heat'),
    (2020, 'Business park', 'Cooling'),
    (2020, 'Business park', 'Intermediate low temperature'),
    (2020, 'Business park', 'CO2'),
    (2030, 'Business park', 'Electricity'),
    (2030, 'Business park', 'Heat'),
    (2030, 'Business park', 'Cooling'),
    (2030, 'Business park', 'Intermediate low temperature'),
    (2030, 'Business park', 'CO2'),
    (2040, 'Business park', 'Electricity'),
    (2040, 'Business park', 'Heat'),
    (2040, 'Business park', 'Cooling'),
    (2040, 'Business park', 'Intermediate low temperature'),
    (2040, 'Business park', 'CO2'),
    (2020, 'City', 'Electricity'),
    (2020, 'City', 'Heat'),
    (2020, 'City', 'CO2'),
    (2030, 'City', 'Electricity'),
    (2030, 'City', 'Heat'),
    (2030, 'City', 'CO2'),
    (2040, 'City', 'Electricity'),
    (2040, 'City', 'Heat'),
    (2040, 'City', 'CO2'),
    (2020, ['Business park', 'City'], 'Electricity'),
    (2020, ['Business park', 'City'], 'Heat'),
    (2020, ['Business park', 'City'], 'CO2'),
    (2030, ['Business park', 'City'], 'Electricity'),
    (2030, ['Business park', 'City'], 'Heat'),
    (2030, ['Business park', 'City'], 'CO2'),
    (2040, ['Business park', 'City'], 'Electricity'),
    (2040, ['Business park', 'City'], 'Heat')
    (2040, ['Business park', 'City'], 'CO2'),

# optional: define names for sites in plot_tuples
plot_sites_name = {('Business park', 'City'): 'Together'}

In this way you get a meaningful output for the optimization runs. Second, the scenarios are made for the other example and are as such no longer usable here. Thus only the base scenario is to be run. Change the list scenario to the following:

scenarios = [

Having completed all these steps you can execute the code.