
To completely understand the following new CoTraDis documentation you should already be familiar with the general urbs model (consult Users guide of the urbs framework). Before applying the developed CoTraDis model framework you should start with this overview that explains the underlying ideas of coupling transmission and distribution systems as developed in the master thesis of Beneharo Reveron Baecker: “Implementation of a novel energy system model coupling approach to co-optimize transmission and active distribution systems”, 2021. The related documentation is structured into four main parts:

  1. The development of a model framework that enables the consideration of distribution systems. The implementations to consider their characteristics properly are described in Distribution System Framework.
  2. An automated coupling of transmission and distribution system data. The implementation can be seen in the section Automated Coupling.
  3. A suitable approach to reduce the computational complexity. The implementations make use of the typeperiod idea in combination with time series aggregation methods. It is decribed in detailin the section Time Series Aggregation with Typeperiods. If you want to understand the mathematical background of tsam, you should first have a look at the documentation of the open source python tsam package described by Kotzuer et al.
  4. Finally the ‘CoTraDis’ application guide gives ideas on how to use the provided framework for future projects.