
Since urbs is a linear optimization model with many objects (e.g variables, parameters), it is reasonable to use sets to define the groups of objects. With the usage of sets, many facilities are provided, such as understanding the main concepts of the model. Many objects are represented by various sets, therefore sets can be easily used to check whether some object has a specific characteristic or not. Additionally sets are useful to define a hierarchy of objects. Mathematical notation of sets are expressed with uppercase letters, and their members are usually expressed with the same lowercase letters. Main sets, tuple sets and subsets will be introduced in this respective order.

Elementary sets

Table: Model Sets
Set Description
\(t \in T\) Timesteps
\(t \in T_\text{m}\) Modelled Timesteps
\(v \in V\) Sites
\(c \in C\) Commodities
\(q \in Q\) Commodity Types
\(p \in P\) Processes
\(s \in S\) Storages
\(f \in F\) Transmissions
\(r \in R\) Cost Types

Time Steps

The model urbs is considered to observe a energy system model and calculate the optimal solution within a limited span of time. This limited span of time is viewed as a discrete variable, which means values of variables are viewed as occurring only at distinct timesteps. The set of time steps \(T = \{t_0,\dots,t_N\}\) for \(N\) in \(\mathbb{N}\) represents Time. This set contains \(N+1\) sequential time steps with equal spaces. Each time step represents another point in time. At the initialisation of the model this set is fixed by the user by setting the variable timesteps in script Duration of space between timesteps \(\Delta t = t_{x+1} - t_x\), length of simulation \(\Delta t \cdot N\) and time interval \([t_0,t_N]\) can be fixed to satisfy the needs of the user. In code this set is defined by the set t and initialized by the section:

m.t = pyomo.Set(
    doc='Set of timesteps')


  • Initialize: A function that receives the set indices and model to return the value of that set element, initializes the set with data.
  • Ordered: A boolean value that indicates whether the set is ordered.
  • Doc: A string describing the set.

Modelled Timesteps

The Set, modelled timesteps, is a subset of the time steps set. The difference between modelled timesteps set and the timesteps set is that the initial timestep \(t_0\) is not included. All other features of the set time steps also apply to the set of modelled timesteps. This set is later required to facilitate the definition of the storage state equation. In script this set is defined by the set tm and initialized by the code fragment: = pyomo.Set(
    doc='Set of modelled timesteps')


  • Within: The option that supports the validation of a set array.
  • m.timesteps[1:] represents the timesteps set starting from the second element, excluding the first timestep \(t_0\)


Sites are represented by the set \(V\). A Site \(v\) can be any distinct location, a place of settlement or activity (e.g process, transmission, storage).A site is for example an individual building, region, country or even continent. Sites can be imagined as nodes(vertices) on a graph of locations, connected by edges. Index of this set are the descriptions of the Sites (e.g north, middle, south). In script this set is defined by sit and initialized by the code fragment:

m.sit = pyomo.Set(
    doc='Set of sites')


As explained in the Overview section, commodities are goods that can be generated, stored, transmitted or consumed. The set of Commodities represents all goods that are relevant to the modelled energy system, such as all energy carriers, inputs, outputs, intermediate substances. (e.g Coal, CO2, Electric, Wind) By default, commodities are given by their energy content (MWh). Usage of some commodities are limited by a maximum value or maximum value per timestep due to their availability or restrictions, also some commodities have a price that needs to be compensated..(e.g coal, wind, solar).In script this set is defined by com and initialized by the code fragment: = pyomo.Set(
    doc='Set of commodities')

Commodity Types

Commodities differ in their usage purposes, consequently commodity types are introduced to subdivide commodities by their features. These Types are SupIm, Stock, Demand, Env, Buy, Sell. In script this set is defined as com_type and initialized by the code fragment:

m.com_type = pyomo.Set(
    doc='Set of commodity types')


One of the most important elements of an energy system is the process. A process \(p\) can be defined by the action of changing one or more forms of energy to others. In our modelled energy system, processes convert input commodities into output commodities. Process technologies are represented by the set processes \(P\). Different processes technologies have fixed input and output commodities. These input and output commodities can be either single or multiple regardless of each other. Some example members of this set can be: Wind Turbine,`Gas Plant`, Photovoltaics. In script this set is defined as pro and initialized by the code fragment: = pyomo.Set(
    doc='Set of conversion processes')


Energy Storage is provided by technical facilities that store energy to generate a commodity at a later time for the purpose of meeting the demand. Occasionally, on-hand commodities may not be able to satisfy the required amount of energy to meet the demand, or the available amount of energy may be much more than required.Storage technologies play a major role in such circumstances. The Set \(S\) represents all storage technologies.(e.g Pump storage). In script this set is defined as sto and initalized by the code fragment:

m.sto = pyomo.Set('Storage').unique(),
    doc='Set of storage technologies')


Transmissions \(f \in F\) represent possible conveyances of commodities between sites. Transmission process technologies can vary between different commodities, due to distinct physical attributes and forms of commodities. Some examples for Transmission technologies are: hvac, hvdc, pipeline) In script this set is defined as tra and initialized by the code fragment:

m.tra = pyomo.Set(
    doc='Set of transmission technologies')

Cost Types

One of the major goals of the model is to calculate the costs of a simulated energy system. There are 6 different types of costs. Each one has different features and are defined for different instances. Set of cost types is hardcoded, which means they are not considered to be fixed or changed by the user. The Set \(R\) defines the Cost Types, each member \(r\) of this set \(R\) represents a unique cost type name. The cost types are : Investment, Fix, Variable, Fuel, Revenue, Purchase, Startup . In script this set is defined as cost_type and initialized by the code fragment:

m.cost_type = pyomo.Set(
    initialize=['Inv', 'Fix', 'Var', 'Fuel','Revenue','Purchase','Startup'],
    doc='Set of cost types (hard-coded)')

Tuple Sets

A tuple is finite, ordered collection of elements.For example, the tuple (hat,red,large) consists of 3 ordered elements and defines another element itself. Tuples are needed in this model to define the combinations of elements from different sets. Defining a tuple lets us assemble related elements and use them as a single element. As a result a collection of by the same rule defined tuples, represents a tuple set.

Commodity Tuples

Commodity tuples represent combinations of defined commodities. These are represented by the set \(C_{vq}\). A member \(c_{vq}\) in set \(C_{vq}\) is a commodity \(c\) of commodity type \(q\) in site \(v\). For example, (Mid, Elec, Demand) is interpreted as commodity Elec of commodity type Demand in site Mid. This set is defined as com_tuples and given by the code fragment:

m.com_tuples = pyomo.Set(
    doc='Combinations of defined commodities, e.g. (Mid,Elec,Demand)')

Process Tuples

Process tuples represent combinations of possible processes. These are represented by the set \(P_v\). A member \(p_v\) in set \(P_v\) is a process \(p\) in site \(v\). For example, (North, Coal Plant) is interpreted as process Coal Plant in site North. This set is defined as pro_tuples and given by the code fragment:

m.pro_tuples = pyomo.Set(
    doc='Combinations of possible processes, e.g. (North,Coal plant)')

A subset of these process tuples pro_partial_tuples \(P_v^\text{partial}\) is formed in order to identify processes that have partial & startup properties. Programmatically, they are identified by those processes, which have the parameter ratio-min set for one of their input commodities in table Process-Commodity. The tuple set is defined as:

m.pro_partial_tuples = pyomo.Set(
    initialize=[(site, process)
                for (site, process) in m.pro_tuples
                for (pro, _) in m.r_in_min_fraction.index
                if process == pro],
    doc='Processes with partial input')

A second subset is formed in order to caputure all processes that take up a certain area and are thus subject to the area constraint at the given site. These processes are identified by the parameter area-per-cap set in table Process, if at the same time a value for area is set in table Site. The tuple set is defined as:

m.pro_area_tuples = pyomo.Set(
    doc='Processes and Sites with area Restriction')

Transmission Tuples

Transmission tuples represent combinations of possible transmissions. These are represented by the set \(F_{c{v_\text{out}}{v_\text{in}}}\). A member \(f_{c{v_\text{out}}{v_\text{in}}}\) in set \(F_{c{v_\text{out}}{v_\text{in}}}\) is a transmission \(f\),that is directed from an origin site \(v_\text{out}\) to a destination site \(v_{in}\) and carries a commodity \(c\). The term “directed from an origin site \(v_\text{out}\) to a destination site \(v_\text{in}\)” can also be defined as an Arc \(a\) . For example, (South, Mid, hvac, Elec) is interpreted as transmission hvac that is directed from origin site South to destination site Mid carrying commodity Elec. This set is defined as tra_tuples and given by the code fragment:

m.tra_tuples = pyomo.Set(
    doc='Combinations of possible transmission, e.g. (South,Mid,hvac,Elec)')

Additionally, Subsets \(F_{vc}^\text{exp}\) and \(F_{vc}^\text{imp}\) represents all exporting and importing transmissions of a commodity \(c\) in a site \(v\). These subsets can be obtained by fixing either the origin site(for export) \(v_\text{out}\) or the destination site(for import) \(v_\text{in}\) to a desired site \(v\) in tuple set \(F_{c{v_\text{out}}{v_\text{in}}}\).

Storage Tuples

Storage tuples represent combinations of possible storages by site. These are represented by the set \(S_{vc}\). A member \(s_{vc}\) in set \(S_{vc}\) is a storage \(s\) of commodity \(c\) in site \(v\) For example, (Mid, Bat, Elec) is interpreted as storage Bat of commodity Elec in site Mid. This set is defined as sto_tuples and given by the code fragment:

m.sto_tuples = pyomo.Set(
    doc='Combinations of possible storage by site, e.g. (Mid,Bat,Elec)')

Process Input Tuples

Process input tuples represent commodities consumed by processes. These are represented by the set \(C_{vp}^\text{in}\). A member \(c_{vp}^\text{in}\) in set \(C_{vp}^\text{in}\) is a commodity \(c\) consumed by the process \(p\) in site \(v\). For example, (Mid,PV,Solar) is interpreted as commodity Solar is consumed by the process PV in the site Mid. This set is defined as pro_input_tuples and given by the code fragment:

m.pro_input_tuples = pyomo.Set(
    initialize=[(site, process, commodity)
                for (site, process) in m.pro_tuples
                for (pro, commodity) in m.r_in.index
                if process == pro],
    doc='Commodities consumed by process by site, e.g. (Mid,PV,Solar)')

Where: r_in represents the process input ratio.

For processes in the tuple set pro_partial_tuples \(C_{vp}^\text{in,partial}\), the following tuple set pro_partial_input_tuples enumerates their input commodities. It is used to index the constraints that determine a process’ input commodity flow (i.e. def_process_input and def_partial_process_input). It is defined by the following code fragment:

m.pro_partial_input_tuples = pyomo.Set(
    initialize=[(site, process, commodity)
                for (site, process) in m.pro_partial_tuples
                for (pro, commodity) in m.r_in_min_fraction.index
                if process == pro],
    doc='Commodities with partial input ratio, e.g. (Mid,Coal PP,Coal)')

Process Output Tuples

Process output tuples represent commodities generated by processes. These are represented by the set \(C_{vp}^\text{out}\). A member \(c_{vp}^\text{out}\) in set \(C_{vp}^\text{out}\) is a commodity \(c\) generated by the process \(p\) in site \(v\). For example, (Mid,PV,Elec) is interpreted as the commodity Elec is generated by the process PV in the site Mid. This set is defined as pro_output_tuples and given by the code fragment:

m.pro_output_tuples = pyomo.Set(
    initialize=[(site, process, commodity)
                for (site, process) in m.pro_tuples
                for (pro, commodity) in m.r_out.index
                if process == pro],
    doc='Commodities produced by process by site, e.g. (Mid,PV,Elec)')

Where: r_out represents the process output ratio.

Demand Side Management Tuples

There are two kinds of demand side management (DSM) tuples in the model: DSM site tuples \(D_{vc}\) and DSM down tuples \(D_{vct,tt}^\text{down}\). The first kind \(D_{vc}\) represents all possible combinations of site \(v\) and commodity \(c\) of the DSM sheet. It is given by the code fragment:

m.dsm_site_tuples = pyomo.Set(
    doc='Combinations of possible dsm by site, e.g. (Mid, Elec)')

The second kind \(D_{vct,tt}^\text{down}\) refers to all possible DSM downshift possibilities. It is defined to overcome the difficulty caused by the two time indices of the DSM downshift variable. Dependend on site \(v\) and commodity \(c\) the tuples contain two time indices. For example (5001, 5003, Mid, Elec) is intepreted as the downshift in timestep 5003, which was caused by the upshift of timestep 5001 in site Mid for commodity Elec. The tuples are given by the following code fragment:

m.dsm_down_tuples = pyomo.Set(**m.sit*,
    initialize=[(t, tt, site, commodity)
                for (t,tt, site, commodity) in dsm_down_time_tuples(m.timesteps[1:], m.dsm_site_tuples, m)],
    doc='Combinations of possible dsm_down combinations, e.g. (5001,5003,Mid,Elec)')

Commodity Type Subsets

Commodity Type Subsets represent the commodity tuples only from a given commodity type. Commodity Type Subsets are subsets of the sets commodity tuples These subsets can be obtained by fixing the commodity type \(q\) to a desired commodity type (e.g SupIm, Stock) in the set commodity tuples \(C_{vq}\). Since there are 6 types of commodity types, there are also 6 commodity type subsets. Commodity type subsets are;

Supply Intermittent Commodities (SupIm): The set \(C_\text{sup}\) represents all commodities \(c\) of commodity type SupIm. Commodities of this type have intermittent timeseries, in other words, availability of these commodities are not constant. These commodities might have various energy content for every timestep \(t\). For example solar radiation is contingent on many factors such as sun position, weather and varies permanently.

Stock Commodities (Stock): The set \(C_\text{st}\) represents all commodities \(c\) of commodity type Stock. Commodities of this type can be purchased at any time for a given price( \(k_{vc}^\text{fuel}\)).

Sell Commodities (Sell): The set \(C_\text{sell}\) represents all commodities \(c\) of commodity type Sell. Commodities that can be sold. These Commodities have a sell price ( \(k_{vct}^\text{bs}\) ) that may vary with the given timestep \(t\).

Buy Commodities (Buy): The set \(C_\text{buy}\) represents all commodities \(c\) of commodity type Buy. Commodities that can be purchased. These Commodities have a buy price ( \(k_{vc}^\text{bs}\) ) that may vary with the given timestep \(t\).

Demand Commodities (Demand): The set \(C_\text{dem}\) represents all commodities \(c\) of commodity type Demand. Commodities of this type are the requested commodities of the energy system. They are usually the end product of the model (e.g Electricity:Elec).

Environmental Commodities (Env): The set \(C_\text{env}\) represents all commodities \(c\) of commodity type Env. Commodities of this type are usually the undesired byproducts of processes that might be harmful for environment, optional maximum creation limits can be set to control the generation of these commodities (e.g Greenhouse Gas Emissions: \(\text{CO}_2\)).

Commodity Type Subsets are given by the code fragment:

m.com_supim = pyomo.Set(,
    initialize=commodity_subset(m.com_tuples, 'SupIm'),
    doc='Commodities that have intermittent (timeseries) input')
m.com_stock = pyomo.Set(,
    initialize=commodity_subset(m.com_tuples, 'Stock'),
    doc='Commodities that can be purchased at some site(s)')
m.com_sell = pyomo.Set(,
   initialize=commodity_subset(m.com_tuples, 'Sell'),
   doc='Commodities that can be sold')
m.com_buy = pyomo.Set(,
    initialize=commodity_subset(m.com_tuples, 'Buy'),
    doc='Commodities that can be purchased')
m.com_demand = pyomo.Set(,
    initialize=commodity_subset(m.com_tuples, 'Demand'),
    doc='Commodities that have a demand (implies timeseries)')
m.com_env = pyomo.Set(,
    initialize=commodity_subset(m.com_tuples, 'Env'),
    doc='Commodities that (might) have a maximum creation limit')


urbs.commodity_subset(com_tuples, type_name)

Returns the commodity names(\(c\)) of the given commodity type(\(q\)).

  • com_tuples – A list of tuples (site, commodity, commodity type)
  • type_name – A commodity type or a list of commodity types

The set (unique elements/list) of commodity names of the desired commodity type.