Developers Guide

This guide makes suggestions on how to improve, use, and extend the code as well as how to unify it with the urbs master branch.

Improving the code

  • Create dedicated SDDP scenarios: Currently the supim data series that is changed in the SDDP branch is hardcoded to be wind in create_uncertainty_data in the file sddp_sub. Likewise the possible realizations and their probabilities are hardcoded in It would be nice to be able to create a SDDP scenario which defines which supim series is modified and then to define realizations and their probabilities. In this way it should be possible to vary several supim series at once (e.g. you could then have a realization ‘wind high, sun low’). Also it should easily be possible to vary the demand series as well as it is usually uncertain (e.g. realization ‘Volcanic Winter’ which implies higher heating costs).
  • Enable plotting and reporting for decomposition methods: Currently the functions Plotting and Reporting are only defined for the original problem (without decomposition). It would be good to include that functionality for each decomposition method as well.
    • For Regional it should be straight forward to reuse the functionality from the original to do plotting and reporting for the sub regions. The master problem then just needs to add up the values from the sub problems.
    • For Divide Timesteps it would be necessary to patch the sub problems together to obtain a plot for the overall problem.
    • For SDDP plotting is more complex, because additionally to patching the sub problems together one needs to think about which path of realizations (or even some combination of paths) to plot.

Using the code for different models

There are several ways in which one could insert its own model or use parts of the code.

Create your own input file and use it with the urbs model

This is straightforward. Just take one of the existing input files and modify it by adding or removing sites, processes, commodities, transmissions, storage, demands, or supim commodities and setting their values. You need to make sure that you don’t remove or add whole features, because the features and corresponding constraints are hardcoded in the models, so that would need to be changed (see further down).

Creating realizations for SDDP

If you want to create your own realizations which add uncertainty you need to modify the files and sddp_sub. When setting the SDDP parameters you can set a dict of probabilities and a list of factors for each scenario. The probabilities determine how likely a scenario is while the factor determines the changes to the supim series. In create_uncertainty_data() in sddp_sub this factor is used to modify the wind supim series. To create your own scenarios you can easily change the supim series to be modified or add several series by passing several numbers in the factor. This requires only small changes in the code of create_uncertainty_data().

Use one of the decomposition methods but not for the urbs model

This would require major restructuring of the code, because it can only be used partly. All the parts which can be used are in the file You can reuse the structure of this file for your own model. Basically you can use the main function and the function run_scenario_decomposition by making only relatively small changes. You’d need to modify all parts (or possibly just removing some) which are connected to input and output (reading data, loading and saving models, plotting and reporting) and create own master and sub instances instead of the urbs instances. For this you’d need do provide your own master and sub models for the corresponding decomposition method. The models must provide methods for cut generation and boundary setting. For an idea on how to split the model variables you can orient yourself at the existing decomposition methods:

  • Divide Timesteps: In this method the master contains all variables which are independent of time and the subs all other variables.
  • Regional decomposition: In this method the master contains all transmission variables while each sub problem contains all variables in its region.
  • SDDP: This method works like Divide Timesteps but additionally introduces uncertainty on the supim time series.

If you are reusing one of the existing method it is possible to reuse the benders loop of the corresponding method. You then need to adjust the setting of boundaries and the upper bound calculation for your own variables. Also you can use the existing cut generation and adjust it for your own model.

Extend or delete a feature from the urbs model

If you want to extend the model by a feature you have to be careful to include it in all relevant parts of the code. Likewise you have to delete it in all relevant parts in case of deletion. Because of the similarity, only extension is explained. The relevant parts are:

  • The input file
  • In the model:
    • In the model preparation, at the start of create_model() in
    • In the model itself: For each decomposition method you need to choose whether the feature is included in the master model, the sub models or both. You then need to add the feature in the appropriate location (see Extending the model structure).
    • In the cut generation: If the feature includes a constraint in the sub models, the dual of the constraint needs to be taken into account for the cut generation.
  • In
    • In boundary settings: If the feature include a variable in the master problem that imposes a restriction on the sub problems.
    • In upper bound calculations: If the feature introduces a new constraint or costs that are relevant for the upper bound calculation.

Extending the model structure

This section explains, in which class to put changes to the model structure.

  • If adding something which is the same for all decomposition methods and the same for Master and Sub: add in
  • If adding something specific to the Normal model: in
  • If adding something specific to a certain decomposition method and equivalent for Master and Subs: in or or
  • If adding something specific to the Master instance of a certain decomposition method: in or or
  • If adding something specific to the Sub instances of a certain decomposition method: in or or

Although this seems pretty simple, the disadvantage is when adding something which is e.g. the same for all master instances it has to be added in all 3 classes. This could be avoided by adding an additional class which summarizes all master classes, but then likewise a class would be necessary that summarizes all sub classes, then perhaps one that summarizes the subs and the normal and so on. This would become quite confusing. For this reason the classes were chosen like this, because it allowed for a maximum reduction in code duplicates (at least for the models at the time of creation) while keeping the class structure reasonably simple.

Perhaps it would be possible to further reduce duplicates while keeping the structure simple by creating a block structure, where features are encapsulated in small blocks of code that can then be added to the models as needed. In this case there would be no super classes, but a file which contains all these blocks. This though would be a big change to the code and probably be challenging.

Creating a new decomposition method

The current structure is somewhat ill suited to include a new decomposition method. It would be desirable to make the new decomposition method have the same structure as the other methods, that is, a master and a sub class which inherit from a super class which itself inherits from ModelSuper. The problem is that this would make restructuring of the code necessary in the following way: If there is a feature in the new decomposition method which is not included in both master and sub class but is included in ModelSuper, this feature would need to be removed from ModelSuper. Because the other decomposition methods still need to use that feature it would need to be passed down to all other classes which are next in the model hierarchy (e.g. to DivideTimestepsSuper and to RegionalSuper and to SddpSuper and to Normal).

Unification with urbs master branch

Differences to the urbs master branch

Compared to the urbs master branch there are some features missing in decomposition:

  • Buy/Sell
  • Demand Side Management
  • Startup

One other big difference is the modularization of parts of the model:

Ideas how to combine decomposition models with modular urbs

The urbs master branch is using modular features that means the features are added in separate files which are called while creating the model. The big challenge to use this modularization for the decomposition branch as well will be that some features will look slightly different depending on the decomposition method and whether the model is a sub, a master or a normal problem.

As an example consider the feature In Regional the sub problem will not have the transmission capacity variables while the master problem will have them.

To resolve this it would be necessary to distinguish between different decomposition methods and model types within the features. This approach would be straight forward but quite cumbersome. Perhaps a more elegant approach would be to have a rule that could prohibit the use of certain variables within the feature. Then the feature could be called from any model by passing a list of the prohibited variables. This for example can already be realized for the capacity constraints (see Sets, Variables, Parameters and Expressions last bullet point) by setting the expressions and relax parameters correctly. Maybe this can be done for other constraints as well.