Regional Model

This part of the documentation explains the parts of the regional model which are different to the normal model. A special case within the regional model is a sub problem with its own specified file. This sub problem then has its own sub sub problems for which it can set restrictions. Also the sub problem with input file has to handle the problem of managing its transmissions, because the master problem is oblivious to the different regions.

Modelling a region with input file

When modelling one or even several of the regions with their own input file, the transmission efficiencies \(e_{af}\) have to be set carefully to avoid discrepancies in the model. The source of discrepancies is that the master model M has an efficiency between two sub regions A and B. Now, if A and/or B have their own input file, they can assign efficiencies between their sub sites (a1, a2, b1, b2,…) and other regions (A,B,C,…) as well. When we look at one single transmission line, arithmetic operations with the efficiency happens at three points (also compare with Rules). The variables e_tra_in and e_tra_out are abbreviated with their mathematical symbols \(\pi_{aft}^\text{model,in}\) and \(\pi_{aft}^\text{model,out}\) (compare Mathematical Documentation) in the following.

  1. In the region the transmission line starts (lets say A), the res_export_rule (or sub_e_tra_rule if A does not have its own input file) uses e_tra_out which is an implicit multiplication with the efficiency \(e_{af}^\text{A}\) given in A (by the transmission_output_rule) as:

    \[\pi_{aft}^\text{A,out} = \pi_{aft}^\text{A,in} \cdot e_{af}^\text{A}\]
  2. The very same rule compares e_tra_out with e_tra_out_res (\(\pi_{aft}^\text{A,out,res}\)) which implies a division through the efficiency given in the master problem \(e_{af}^\text{M}\), because e_tra_out_res is passed by the master problem, where it is calculated from e_tra_in. We can consider this as a division, because:

    \[\begin{split}\pi_{aft}^\text{A,out} &\geq \pi_{aft}^\text{A,out,res} + \lambda\omega \\ \pi_{aft}^\text{A,out} &\geq \pi_{aft}^\text{M,out} + \lambda\omega \\ \pi_{aft}^\text{A,out} &\geq \pi_{aft}^\text{M,in} \cdot e_{af}^\text{M} + \lambda\omega \\ \frac{\pi_{aft}^\text{A,out}}{e_{af}^\text{M}} &\geq \pi_{aft}^\text{M,in} + \frac{\lambda\omega}{e_{af}^\text{M}}\end{split}\]
  3. Finally at the end of the transmission line (in B), a multiplication with the efficiency \(e_{af}^\text{B}\) given in B happens by the transmission_output_rule:

    \[\pi_{aft}^\text{B,out} = \pi_{aft}^\text{B,in} \cdot e_{af}^\text{B}\]

    and further, because e_tra_in in B comes from e_tra_in_res in B which is passed by the master considering the res_import_rule (or sub_e_tra_rule if B does not have its own input file):

    \[\begin{split}\pi_{aft}^\text{B,out} &= \pi_{aft}^\text{B,in} \cdot e_{af}^\text{B} \\ \pi_{aft}^\text{B,out} &\leq (\pi_{aft}^\text{B,in,res} + \lambda\omega) \cdot e_{af}^\text{B}\\ \pi_{aft}^\text{B,out} &\leq (\pi_{aft}^\text{M,in} + \lambda\omega) \cdot e_{af}^\text{B}\\\end{split}\]

Considering the equations after convergence of the benders loop, Lambda is zero and the inequalities are equalities. Combining the equations from 1. and 2. and 3. gives:

\[\pi_{aft}^\text{B,out} = \pi_{aft}^\text{A,in}\cdot \frac{e_{af}^\text{A} \cdot e_{af}^\text{B}}{e_{af}^\text{M}}\]

When modeling with sub input files this equation should be kept in mind. Also keep in mind that the sub problems without input file have the same efficiency as the master problem and the fraction can be reduced.

Sets, Variables, Parameters and Expressions

  • e_co_stock_res defines the restrictions on the stock commodity for the sub problems. In regional this is only relevant for the CO2 restriction.
  • e_tra_in_res defines the restrictions on incoming transmissions for the sub problems.
  • e_tra_out_res defines the restrictions on outgoing transmissions for the sub problems.
  • hvac: This parameter gives the current capacity of ingoing transmissions from one site to another. It is needed for the res_hvac_rule for sub problems with input files (see Rules).
  • Sub with input file:
    • e_import_res, e_export_res: The restrictions on import and export for the sub problem.
    • cap_tra, cap_tra_new: Like the master problem the sub problem needs to be able to install transmission lines between its own sub problems.


  • def_costs_rule
    • Master: The costs of the master problem consist of the transmission costs (Investment, Fixed and Variable) and the sum of the sub problems costs, which are stored in FutureCosts.
    • Sub without file: The sub problems cost consist of all costs except transmission within its site. This includes Investment, Fixed, Variable, Fuel and Environmental costs.
    • Sub with file: If the sub has a specified input file it has the same costs as a sub problem without input file, but in addition it has the Investment, Fixed and Variable costs for transmissions between its own sub sites.
  • sub_costs_rule: Assures that the costs of the sub problem cannot be higher than the restriction on costs given by the master problem plus omega times Lambda.
  • res_global_co2_limit_rule:
    • Master problem: Makes sure that global CO2 limit is not violated.
    • Sub problems: Assure that sub problems can only violate their CO2 restriction given by the master by at most omega times Lambda
  • hvac_rule: Initializes the parameter hvac.
  • Sub without file only:
    • sub_e_tra_rule: Assures that the sub problem can not import more than the restriction given by the master problem plus omega times Lambda. Also assures that the problem has to export at least as much as given by the master problem minus omega times Lambda.
  • Sub with file only:
    • res_hvac_rule: Makes sure that the sum of transmission capacities going out from the sub sites of the current sub problem C to another sub problems site S are not more than the transmission capacity between C and S in the master problem plus omega times Lambda.
    • res_export_rule, res_import_rule: Similar to res_hvac_rule, these rules make sure that the sum of export/import from the sub sites of the current sub problem C to another sub problem site S match the export/import between C and S determined in the master problem. They are allowed to vary by a factor of omega times Lambda.


Cut Generation

This section explains the function add_cut() in the Regional Master in detail.

def add_cut(self, cut_generating_problem, sub_in_input_files):
    """Adds a cut, which is generated by a subproblem, to the master problem

        cut_generating_problem: sub problem instance which generates the cut
        sub_in_input_files: If true, the cut generating problem is in the list of filenames to Excel spread sheets for sub regions
    if cut_generating_problem.Lambda() < 0.000001:
        print('Cut skipped for subproblem ' + cut_generating_problem.sub_site[1] +
              ' (Lambda = ' + str(cut_generating_problem.Lambda()) + ')')

First, check if Lambda is very close to zero. If Lambda is zero, this means that the sub problem does not violate any constraints passed to it by the master problem. This in turn means that the sub problem yields a feasible solution and does not add a new constraint to the master problem. In this case we don’t add a cut and simply return.

# subproblem with input file
if sub_in_input_files:
    # dual variables
    dual_imp = get_entity(cut_generating_problem, 'res_import')
    dual_exp = get_entity(cut_generating_problem, 'res_export')
    dual_cap = get_entity(cut_generating_problem, 'res_hvac')
    dual_env = get_entity(cut_generating_problem, 'res_global_co2_limit')
    dual_zero = cut_generating_problem.dual[cut_generating_problem.sub_costs]
    Lambda = cut_generating_problem.Lambda()

The cuts look different depending on whether the cut generating problem has its own input file. First, we look at the case of the problem having its own input file. We initialize the dual variables, which say how much the objective function changes when a constraint changes. For every constraint there is exactly one dual. Note that one rule can describe more than one constraint and in turn the corresponding dual variable is actually a vector of dual variables. As an example consider res_import. This rule defines a constraint for each transmission line which means dual_imp contains one dual variable for every one of these constraints. In the case of a sub problem with its own input file there are constraints on the import, export, transmission capacity (res_hvac), CO2 and the costs. We also need the sub problems variable Lambda.

cut_expression = - 1 * (sum([dual_imp[tm, tra[0]] * self.e_tra_in[(tm,) + tra]
                                 for tm in
                                 for tra in self.tra_tuples
                                 if tra[1] == cut_generating_problem.sub_site[1]]) -
                            sum([dual_exp[tm, tra[1]] * self.e_tra_out[(tm,) + tra]
                                 for tm in
                                 for tra in self.tra_tuples
                                 if tra[0] == cut_generating_problem.sub_site[1]]) +
                            sum([dual_cap[tra[0]] * self.cap_tra[tra]
                                 for tra in self.tra_tuples
                                 if tra[1] == cut_generating_problem.sub_site[1]]) +
                            sum([dual_env[0] * self.e_co_stock[(tm,) + com]
                                 for tm in
                                 for com in self.com_tuples
                                 if com[0] == cut_generating_problem.sub_site[1] and com[1] in self.com_env]) +
                            dual_zero * self.eta[cut_generating_problem.sub_site[1]])

With the dual variables we can generate the cut expression: The cut expression is the sum of all dual variables times the corresponding variables in the master instance. This reflects that by increasing one variable in the master instance (e.g. the incoming transmission at a timestep: e_tra_in[(tm,) + tra]) the objective function of the sub problem would change by the corresponding dual (e.g. [dual_imp[tm, tra[0]]). As increasing the incoming transmission would decrease the objective function and decreasing it would increase the objective function we have to multiply by minus one. The same holds for the constraints on transmission capacity, CO2 and costs. On the other hand if we increase export, the objective function increases, hence the minus before the sum over all exports.

    # dual variables
    dual_tra = get_entity(cut_generating_problem, 'sub_e_tra')
    dual_env = get_entity(cut_generating_problem, 'res_global_co2_limit')
    dual_zero = cut_generating_problem.dual[cut_generating_problem.sub_costs]
    Lambda = cut_generating_problem.Lambda()

If the cut generating sub problem has no input file, we only have constraints on transmissions (in- and outgoing transmissions are both in the rule sub_e_tra), CO2 and costs.

# cut generation
cut_expression = - 1 * (sum([dual_tra[(tm,) + tra] * self.e_tra_in[(tm,) + tra]
                             for tm in
                             for tra in cut_generating_problem.tra_tuples
                             if tra[1] in cut_generating_problem.sub_site]) -
                        sum([dual_tra[(tm,) + tra] * self.e_tra_out[(tm,) + tra]
                             for tm in
                             for tra in cut_generating_problem.tra_tuples
                             if tra[0] in cut_generating_problem.sub_site]) +
                        sum([dual_env[0] * self.e_co_stock[(tm,) + com]
                             for tm in
                             for com in cut_generating_problem.com_tuples
                             if com[1] in cut_generating_problem.com_env]) +
                        dual_zero * self.eta[cut_generating_problem.sub_site[1]])

Like before, we use this to generate the cut expression. Note that e_tra_in is split into import and export, where import needs to be multiplied by minus one, while export is not.

cut = cut_expression >= Lambda + cut_expression()

The cut expression can be evaluated (with cut_expression()) for the current variables in the master problem. We know that using the current values of the master variables the sub problem cannot be solved without violating at least one constraint by Lambda (because the sub problem minimizes Lambda). This implies that in future iterations the cut expression has to be at least the evaluated cut expression plus Lambda for the sub problem to become feasible (Lambda is (almost) zero). This is the cut we add to the master problem.